Prayer and Cell Phones

It would be easy for me to go on a rant about cell phones. You know how it is. People walking down store aisles with a cell phone glued to their ear. Cell phones ring during concerts, church, etc., even when the audience is told to shut them off.

My wife wanted a cell phone in the late 1990’s in case she needed to call for help when going to and from work,especially in winter weather. Now she’s like so many and uses the thing at what I think are inappropriate times.

As of this writing, I don’t own a cell phone. They do have their benefits, I’ll admit. But they have their limitations, too.

Here’s an item I came across a few months ago in an e-mail newsletter I receive each week. It certainly gives us food for thought.

Effectual Prayer Vs. Cell Phones (Friday Church News Notes, October 8, 2010,,, 866-295-4143)

Prayer is one of the most precious privileges of the born again child of God. Each believer has a direct line to the Father through Jesus Christ. The Bible encourages us to “pray without ceasing” and promises, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

What a contrast effectual prayer is to the modern cell phone culture. With prayer there are no busy signals, no dropped calls, no call waiting, no answering machines, no automated menus, no holds, no contracts, no limited minutes, no need for upgraded technology, no roaming charges, no dead areas, and no connections with disinterested parties.

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